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JCtrans资讯中心新闻频道海运新闻 > 愿一切安好!

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导读: 9月8日深夜,摩洛哥西南部马拉喀什附近发生6.8级强震,据报道,截至9月15日,地震已造成1900多人罹难,另有5600多人受伤。这是摩洛哥近几十年来造成伤亡人数最多的一次地震。





JCtrans Offers Prayers and Support for Members and the People of Morocco in Times of Disaster

Late in the night on September 8th, a strong earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale struck near Marrakech in southwestern Morocco. As of September 15th, this devastating earthquake has claimed the lives of more than 2,900 people and injured more than 5,600 people. This earthquake marks one of the deadliest in Morocco in decades.

JCtrans, as an internet platform for the international logistics industry, has a significant number of member clients in Morocco. Upon learning of this tragic news, we deeply mourn and express our heartfelt condolences to our member friends, despite the distance, through phone calls and emails. We believe that, with the concerted efforts of the Moroccan government and the international community, Morocco will soon overcome the impact of this earthquake and rebuild their homes.

JCtrans pledges to all our member clients in Morocco that, despite the profound impact this disaster has had on your lives, our services will continue to be available. We will do our utmost to mobilize all possible resources to assist and support our member clients in Morocco. In this challenging time, JCtrans stands with all our member clients in Morocco and the people of Morocco.

September 16, 2023

本文关键词:JCtrans 摩洛哥 地震

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