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CNPC to offer drilling service to Turkmenian firm
POSTED: 11:03 a.m. EDT, May 15,2007

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has said its prospecting unit inked a 150-million-U.S. dollar contract to provide drilling service for a Turkmenian company.

It was the largest service contract the CNPC Changqing Petroleum Prospecting Bureau won in foreign countries, the Shanghai Securities News reported on Tuesday, citing CNPC sources.

According to the contract, the Xi'an-based bureau will drill 12natural gas wells in an oilfield for Turkmen Geology State Corporation.

CNPC Service and Engineering Ltd., another subsidiary of the country's No.1 oil and gas producer, inked overseas service contracts worth 3.09 billion U.S. dollars in 2006, up 22 percent from the previous year, said the report.

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