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Gazprom not to export gas to Belarus before contract signed
POSTED: 0:05 p.m. EDT, January 1,2007

Russian gas giant Gazprom will not export gas to Belarus in 2007 before a contract is signed and it was launching inspections to stop Belarus taking gas from a transit pipeline, Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov told a briefing in Moscow on Saturday.

"We cannot supply any gas without a contract, and so currently our inspectors are leaving for facilities at the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline in order to monitor the state of the junctures (between this pipeline and) the networks of Beltransgaz," Kupriyanov was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying.

"We are also inviting independent international experts to control the volumes of gas passing through the Yamal-Europe pipeline across Belarussian territory" through which the company exports gas to Europe, Kupriyanov said.

"The way the negotiations are proceeding is making us get ready for critical developments," he said.

Belarus is buying gas from Russia at 46.7 dollars per 1,000 cubic meters. The current contract expires on Dec. 31.

Gazprom is demanding Belarus pay 105 dollars per 1,000 cubic meters next year, with 75 dollars in cash and 30 dollars in shares in the country's gas transport company Beltransgaz.

Gazprom Deputy CEO and head of its export arm, Gazpromexport, said on Friday that Belarussian officials have threatening to interrupt the transit of Russian gas through Belarussian territory, more than 90 percent of which (flows through) the Yamal-Europe pipeline, which belongs to Gazprom.

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