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Poland's economic growth expected to surpass 6 percent in 2007
POSTED: 10:31 a.m. EDT, May 8,2007

Poland's economic growth will reach 6. 1 percent this year, the same as last year, the Polish news agency PAP reported on Monday, citing the European Commission's latest compilation of economic forecasts for member countries.

The EC attributed good results to a massive internal demand. However, it termed "inconsiderable" the improvement of financial situation.

Unemployment in Poland will decline to 11 percent at the end of this year and to 9 percent a year later, the EC predicted in its report.

Home demand will remain the main engine of growth also in 2008, but the pace of that growth will abate to 5.5 percent.

The EC sees investments growing 18 percent this year and 14 percent in 2008.

The public finance deficit in 2006 was at 3.9 percent of the GDP, lower than the expected 4.2 percent, the EC report says, adding that this year the deficit will decline to 3.4 percent (the same as predicted by the Polish government last autumn). In 2008 the deficit will further fall to 3.3 percent of the GDP.

Inflation was at 1.3 percent in 2006, and will rise to 2 percent in 2007 and 2.5 percent in 2008, the report says. The EC believes that the Polish central bank will keep inflation in check and it will not surpass 2.5 percent annually.

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