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Hungary's MOL buys West Siberian oil field
POSTED: 10:18 a.m. EDT, April 25,2007

It has purchased 100 percent of the Russian company Matyushkinskaya Vertikal LLC, which has a licence to an oil field in the West Siberian region of Tomsk, Hungarian oil and gas company MOL said on Tuesday.

The field, located in West Siberia, one of Russia's main oil-producing provinces, has 6 million barrels of proven and probable reserves, with current daily production of 550-600 barrels, MOL said on the website of the Budapest Stock Exchange.

The 3,231-square km oil field has significant exploration potential, is more than ten times the size of all its other oil fields in the region and is close to the Transneft pipeline, MOL said.

The exploration licence at the site is valid until 2010, while the production licence expires in 2029.

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