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Bush voices full support to embattled attorney general
POSTED: 11:10 a.m. EDT, May 22,2007

US President George W. Bush reaffirmed yesterday his full support to embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, dismissing Democratic proposals for no-confidence votes on Gonzales as "political theater."

"He has got my confidence. He has done nothing wrong," Bush said in response to a question during a news conference at his Texas ranch, according to US media reports.

"I stand by Gonzales," he added.

The Senate and House Judiciary committees are investigating whether the firings of eight federal prosecutors last year stemmed from improper political influence.

At least six Republicans have joined with Democrats in calling for Gonzales to step down.

Democratic Senators Charles Schumer of New York and Dianne Feinstein of California are proposing the Senate vote on a no-confidence resolution as soon as this week.

In the House, Democrats Adam Schiff of California and Artur Davis of Alabama introduced a measure Monday that expresses no-confidence in Gonzales and calls on Bush to fire him.

"It is this kind of political theater that has caused the American people to lose confidence in how Washington operates," Bush said.

However, he did not directly address a question about whether he wants Gonzales to stay through the end of his term.

While a largely symbolic gesture, a vote of no-confidence will add to the political pressure on Gonzales, 51, a longtime adviser to Bush.

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