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TV: kidnapped Iranian diplomat released in Iraq
POSTED: 8:38 a.m. EDT, April 4,2007

Iranian state-run television reported on Tuesday that the second secretary of Iran's embassy in Iraq, who was kidnapped in Baghdad in February, had been released.

Jalal Sharafi, the abducted diplomat, has been released and would return to Tehran Tuesday, said the report, without disclosing how and when he was released.

Iran's embassy in Iraq on Tuesday also made an announcement and confirmed this report.

"He was released yesterday (Monday) and I don't have further details on his kidnapping," said an official on condition of anonymity.

Sharafi was abducted on Feb. 4 by about 30 gunmen wearing Iraqi army uniforms in more than 10 military vehicles, in front of the Baghdad branch of Iran's state-owned Bank Melli without any escort.

Iran accused the U.S. forces in Iraq of "supervising the operation," saying, "Iran holds America responsible for the safety and life of the (abducted) diplomat."

But the U.S. side has denied the accusations. The U.S. military on Tuesday said it was ignorant of Sharafi's release.

"We were not holding him, so we do not know about his release,"said spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Garver.

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