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Closing ceremony of "Year of Russia" held
POSTED: 9:04 a.m. EDT, November 10,2006
China will work with Russia to achieve prosperity of both nations and to promote peace and development of the world, said Premier Wen Jiabao here Thursday.

Wen made the remarks at the closing ceremony of the "Year of Russia". Wen and his Russian counterpart Mikhail Fradkov attended the closing ceremony.

Wen said holding such activities as the Year of Russia and the Year of China is of significance in Sino-Russian relations, reflecting the strategic and cooperative partnership as well as the aspiration of the two peoples for long-lasting friendship.

Over 200 activities were held in China in 2006 to demonstrate the progress Russia had made in the different areas, which made the Chinese people have a better understanding towards Russia, he noted.

Wen said China will show its achievement in the reform and opening-up construction to Russian people next year through the Year of China.

Fradkov also delivered a speech. He said the "Year of Russia" had played an important role in pushing forward political contact and the exchanges among the provincial levels and the youth of the two countries.

"It has injected dynamics in the cooperation in all areas," he said.

He vowed to hold a successful "Year of China" in Russia in the coming year.

Following the ceremony, the Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra from Russia, together with Chinese musician, entertained the audience.

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