NOL appoints leading Senior Counsel to Board


NOL Group announced the appointment of Senior Counsel Mr Alvin Yeo to its Board of Directors.
Subject to shareholders' approval at NOL's Annual General Meeting on 18 April 2013 ("AGM"), Mr Yeo, Senior Partner at WongPartnership LLP, will join the Board after the AGM. He will serve as a member of the Executive Committee and Nominating Committee.
Two of NOL's current Directors, Mr Christopher Lau Loke Sam and Mr Peter Wagner, will retire from the Board at the AGM. Mr Lau is currently the Chairman of the Audit Committee and Member of the Enterprise Risk Management Committee. Mr Wagner is a member of the Executive Committee and Nominating Committee. Mr Quek See Tiat, a current member of the NOL Board, will assume the chairmanship of the Audit Committee from Mr Christopher Lau.
"We welcome the addition of a leading litigation and arbitration counsel to the Board," said Mr Kwa Chong Seng, Chairman of NOL. "We also express our gratitude to our outgoing Directors for their guidance and expertise to NOL."
Mr Yeo's main areas of practice are banking and corporate disputes, restructuring and insolvency, and construction and civil engineering matters. He has extensive experience in arbitration proceedings both in Singapore and in the region, primarily in corporate, commercial and infrastructure disputes.
"I am very excited to be working with the NOL team," said Mr Yeo. "NOL is making good progress in becoming a more competitive company, and I look forward to helping the company find its way back to sustainable profitability."
Mr Yeo is a member of the Appeals Advisory Panel of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the ICC Commission on Arbitration, the Court of the LCIA, the Singapore International Arbitration Centre's Council of Advisors and a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators. Mr Yeo is internationally recognised in legal directories such as The Legal 500; IFLR1000; Chambers Global and Chambers Asia Pacific.

Source: transportweekly

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