China's ports clogged with illegal waste


According to a China National Radio report, illegally dumped construction waste have blocked shipping channels in the port city of Ningbo.

The water has become shallower and four vessels have become stuck there in the last two weeks.

Compare this to Japan, where the suburb of Odaiba in Tokyo Bay is built on waste. It is a masterpiece of the reclamation of land from the sea. The Japanese used millions of tons of garbage as reclamation materials and built up a modern city in the sea.

There is a saying that the attitude toward environment reflects a country's taste. Japan can turn waste into valuable land while China is being trapped into disaster by waste.

Now, various ocean environmental protection institutions in Japan are trying their best to find admirable ways to restore and protect the environment on the reclamation land and provide environmental protection suggestions based on their research to the government.

Some argue that Japan has to do so because of its limited land area and resources and as a big country, China doesn't have the same worries.

However, the fact is that although China has a far bigger land area and richer resources, most of the amounts per capita are under the global average.

If we continue to take a casual attitude toward the environment, our living space will become more limited.

Source: globaltimes

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