Lines move to rebuild carrier-shipper relationships


The Transpacific Stabilisation Agreement (TSA) has responded to customer service criticism from shippers by establishing a shipper advisory board.

The TSA, a research and discussion forum representing most major shipping lines operating in the transpacific trades, said the board would provide an unprecedented forum to strengthen the overall shipper-carrier relationship and improve collaboration on key issues affecting their respective industries.

Lines serving the US have been subject to heavy criticism this year over freight rate spikes, surcharges, equipment shortages, cancelled bookings and disruption to supply chains.

The build-up of resentment helped prompt the introduction to the US House of Representatives of a new Bill which would eliminate anti-trust immunity for ocean carriers serving the US.

Brian Conrad, TSA Executive Administrator, claimed the forum would help soothe the tensions between lines and their customers on the transpacific trade.
Source: ifw-net

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