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Transat union to vote on contract deal Monday
POSTED: 10:46 a.m. EDT, December 9,2006

Transat AT Inc.and the union representing baggage handlers at vacation airline Air Transat have reached a tentative contract agreement and union members will vote on Monday morning, ahead of a noon (1700 GMT) strike deadline, both sides said on Friday.

"Union officials and the company agreed on a proposal to present to the members, and they will vote on it Monday morning," said Pierre Tessier, a spokesman for Transat AT.

About 350 grounds workers at Transat AT subsidiary Handlex, who are represented by the Teamsters union, had previously set a Friday morning strike deadline at airports in Toronto and Montreal if contract talks over wages and overtime did not succeed.

Tessier and Brian Lawrence, vice president of Teamsters Local 419, which represents baggage handlers at Toronto's Pearson International Airport, confirmed on Friday that the deadline had been extended to Monday.

Neither would provide details of the deal, but Tessier said the company was "pretty confident" members will accept it.

Transat AT, a vacation travel specialist, would use managers and "Handlex airline clients" to avoid a service disruption in the event of a strike, Tessier said.

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