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McDonald's China to allow trade unions in E China
POSTED: 9:05 a.m. EDT, April 17,2007

McDonald's China has promised to establish trade union branches in its 40 restaurants in the eastern Zhejiang province this year, the All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) said Monday.

A McDonald's spokeswoman in Beijing could not confirm the announcement, but said she would be seeking an official comment.

An ACFTU spokesman claimed that Zong Hao, central region human resources director with McDonald's China, made the remarks when visiting the Zhejiang Federation of Trade Unions (ZFTU).

The move would boost the harmonious development of labor relations, upgrade the social image of McDonald's and help the company fulfill its social responsibilities, said Chen Dingxin, ZFTU vice chairman.

Chen said he hoped McDonald's China would lose no time in fulfilling its promise in accordance with China's regulations on trade unions.

All workers in enterprises, public institutions and government agencies who earn their living primarily from wages have the right to participate in and form trade union organizations, according to China's trade union law.

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