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Hai Phong inaugurated Macau daily airfreight service
POSTED: 8:28 a.m. EDT, May 9,2007
A daily air cargo service between Vietnam's port city of Hai Phong and Macau was launched on May 6 by Hai Phong International Tourism Joint Venture Company and ViVa Macau Airline, reported the Vietnam News Agency.

ViVa Macau will run one cargo flight a day on the route with a maximum of 60 tons though in the first three months of test operations, each flight will only carry from three to five tons.

The opening of the airfreight service route marks a step forward in the development of Cat Bi Airport in northern Hai Phong, as well as a new level of co-operation with ViVa Macau Airline.

The service is also expected to facilitate the export of goods from businesses in Hai Phong and neighbouring provinces.

A direct air service between Macau and Hai Phong was launched in September 2006. Since then, the Cat Bi airport has received nearly 500 flights with about 40,000 passengers.

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