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Chengdu Airport opens air cargo terminal
POSTED: 9:15 a.m. EDT, April 20,2007

Construction of the Chengdu Airport Cargo Terminal has been completed and the CNY200 million (US$25.9 million) facility has recently commenced operations, reports Xinhua.

The cargo terminal, which was financed by a consortium of investors from Sichuan and Hong Kong, is the largest facility of its kind covering an area measuring 110,000 square metres.

The airfreight terminal in mainland China's mid-west region is capable of handling 380,000 tons of cargo annually, expected to comprise of 350,000 tons of domestic freight and 30,000 tons of foreign trade. Services provided include air cargo loading and discharging, storage, customs clearance, as well as customs supervised warehousing.

Customs officials stationed at the air cargo terminal offer a "one-stop" service to enable 90 per cent of the domestic cargo and all international airfreight to be released from the terminal on the day of arrival, the report added.

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