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China, Surinam to further co-op
POSTED: 9:05 a.m. EDT, June 13,2007
The Chinese and Surinamese vice presidents agreed Tuesday to further relations between the two countries.

The two leaders also signed agreements on economic and technological cooperation.

During the talk with Surinamese Vice President Ramdien Sardjoe, Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong said China values relations with Surinam and would like to push forward the relationship.

He said Sino-Surinamese relations have maintained steady development with increased political trust and frequent high-level contact. The two countries have also supported each other on international affairs.

He expressed appreciation for Surinam's adherence to the one-China policy. Sardjoe affirmed that Surinam would continue to adhere to this principle.

He vowed to promote consultation with China in dealing with international and regional issues, and further the relationship between the two countries.

Sardjoe arrived here Sunday afternoon to start his six-day official visit to China at the invitation of Zeng.

Sardjoe is expected to meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao Wednesday.

Sardjoe will also tour China's ancient city Xi'an, northeast China's coastal city of Dalian and the economic powerhouse of the east, Shanghai.

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