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China willing to strengthen ties with NATO
POSTED: 10:47 a.m. EDT, May 25,2007
China is willing to maintain contacts and strengthen exchanges with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), on the basis of equality and mutual respect, said a Foreign Ministry spokesperson on Thursday.

The contacts and exchanges will increase the two sides' mutual understanding, and help maintain international and regional peace and stability, said spokesperson Jiang Yu at a regular press conference.

Jiang made the remarks when commenting on media reports that NATO Military Committee Chairman Gen. Ray Henault said the bloc wants to establish direct "military-to-military" relations with Chinese armed forces.

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer also said relations between the NATO and China are developing very well.

China always stands for a new concept of security, featuring mutual trust, reciprocity, equality and coordination, and hopes to build a lasting, stable, reliable and peaceful international environment, Jiang said.

She added that China has resumed and carried out several contacts and exchanges with NATO in various levels and forms, including the first political consultation at the division commander level and the first non-proliferation consultation at the division commander level.

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