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Chinese, Japanese talks on korean nuclear issue
POSTED: 3:50 p.m. EDT, May 18,2007

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei met with Nakayama Kyoko, assistant to the Japanese prime minister here Thursday and the two exchanged views on bilateral ties and the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said.

Spokeswoman Jiang Yu said Kyoko is here as guest of the Japanese embassy in China and she will also meet with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Dai Bingguo late Thursday.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Foreign Ministry reiterated its commitment Tuesday to the implementation of the Feb 13 agreement as soon as it has retrieved 25 million U.S. dollars funds frozen in Macao's Banco Delta Asia.

Jiang said she hopes the issue can be properly resolved with all parties' concern addressed so as to implement the initial actions and push forward the nuclear talks.

The Feb 13 joint document, showing the willingness of all parties to achieve a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula, marks an important progress in six-party talks process, she said.

All parties should make efforts to overcome difficulties and push forward substantial progress of the talks, she added.

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