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Bush renews threat to veto war funding bill from Congress
POSTED: 11:04 a.m. EDT, April 25,2007

US President George W. Bush yesterday renewed his threat to veto a war funding bill which calls for withdrawing US troops from Iraq next year.
According to US media reports, the legislation could reach Bush's desk by the end of the week.

The president said he is disappointed with the joint version of the bill that emerged Monday from a special panel of negotiators from the House and the Senate.

He says the bill's fate is assured.

"They know I am going to veto a bill containing these provisions, and they know my veto will be sustained. Instead of fashioning a bill I could sign, the Democratic leaders chose to further delay funding our troops, and they chose to make a political statement," Bush said.

He claimed that if the bill becomes law, it would undermine U.S. troops in the field, and threaten the safety of the American people.

On the other side, Democrats are also holding firm to their position.

"It's time, Mr. President, it's time to responsibly bring this war to an end," said Delaware Democrat Joseph Biden, chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Last week, Bush invited lawmakers of both parties to the White House to discuss the impasse on funding the Iraq war, but neither side showed signs of backing down.

Both the House and Senate have attached language to respective version of the war funding bill calling for U.S. combat troops to leave Iraq in 2008 -- the House by the end of August, the Senate by March of that year.

But Bush insists he won't accept any bill that includes a timeline for withdrawal.

If he vetoes the bill, which looks certain, the congress will need a two-third majority to overthrow the veto.

Otherwise, the Congress will have to draft a new funding bill and send to Bush again.

With neither side willing to back down, an impasse will be a certainty.

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