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Poland, U.S. to start talks on missile shield soon
POSTED: 9:49 a.m. EDT, April 12,2007

Polish President Lech Kaczynski told reporters here Wednesday that in his opinion negotiations on the deployment of elements of the U.S. anti-missile shield would start soon.

The president stressed that the discussion on any of the points would not be easy. He stressed that the possible installation of the shield elements pertains to Polish-U.S. bilateral relations, the Polish news agency PAP reported.

At the same time the president said he had discussed the shield elements deployment in Poland with German President Horst Koehler.

Kaczynski stressed that in line with the promise he had made to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, he briefed the president with the debate of the Poland's National Security Council (BBN) on the shield.

The U.S. in January proposed installing parts of its anti- missile shield in central Europe, including some interceptor missiles in Poland and a radar system in the Czech Republic.

The move has drawn sharp criticism from Russia, which warned it could trigger arms race.

The plan also prompted concern from U.S. allies such as Germany and France. Poland and the Czech Republic welcomed the U.S. missile plans, however.

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