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Chinese, Russian PMs pledge to further energy co-op
POSTED: 9:28 a.m. EDT, November 10,2006
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and visiting Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Yefimovich Fradkov pledged to further promote bilateral oil, gas and nuclear energy cooperation here on Thursday.

During the 11th regular meeting between the two prime ministers, Wen hailed fresh progress made in bilateral cooperation since their last regular meeting in 2005.

The political trust between the two sides has been strengthened, Wen said, adding bilateral results-oriented cooperation and mutual investment have witnessed rapid growth.

"The two countries firmly support each other's core interests and have cooperated closely on global affairs to properly settle sensitive and complicated international issues," he said.

Wen told Fradkov that the deepening strategic partnership not only serves the development of the two countries but also helps maintain world peace and development.

"China is ready to join hands with Russia to push forward the sustained development of bilateral ties," Wen said.

In response, Fradkov said Russia will continue to take active measures to promote relations with China to a higher level.

Fradkov commended the progress made in bilateral cooperation, adding that enhanced strategic coordination is of great importance to both sides and to regional and world peace, stability and development.

The two prime ministers also drew up a blueprint for future cooperation. They agreed to maintain close contact between leaders, exchange views and offer guiding opinions on major international issues.

Both of them are committed to facilitating bilateral gas, oil and nuclear energy cooperation.

The two prime ministers pledged to improve trade structures, and actively implement an action plan for a mechanical and electrical products trade agreement that is expected to be signed soon.

They also proposed to give full play to the early-warning system and consultation mechanism on sensitive products, and properly settle problems in bilateral trade.

To enhance cooperation in environmental protection, the two sides agreed to take "friendly" and "responsible" attitude to solve problems on utilization and protection of cross-border water resource.

The two countries vow to protect the legal rights of each other's enterprises, and offer convenient entry and exit of each other's people.

The two premiers are determined to encourage and promote mutual investment and cooperation in manufacturing, education, public health and sports.

After their meeting, Wen and Fradkov witnessed the signing of a series of cooperative documents including an agreement on promoting and protecting mutual investment, a memorandum of understanding on peaceful utilization of nuclear energy as well asan agreement on education cooperation.

Biz China>>
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