United Airlines to resume Boeing 787 Dreamliner flights


United Airlines has announced that it is preparing to reintroduce Boeing 787 Dreamliner flights on domestic routes from Houston on May 20 and on international routes next month, starting with its Denver-Tokyo service on June 10, according to the Shipping Gazette.
"Our customers responded extremely well when we introduced the 787, and we know they'll welcome it back," said Pete McDonald, United's chief operations officer in a release posted by PRNewswire.
"Boeing and the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) were diligent in their work to fix the battery issue, and now the Dreamliner is poised to fly the missions we planned and provide our customers with the features and reliability they want on their long-haul flights."
The US aircraft manufacturer has already converted two of the airline six Dreamliners to the new FAA standards and said it will soon convert the remainder of its fleet.

Source: transportweekly

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